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Our Story


Jindam Agro Farms (JAF) is an organic farm that helps people sees a natural farm in action that produces food without the use of any chemicals. It also helps urbanites connect with nature. The rural wilderness provides for a good outdoor camping site. The farm is our attempt at simple and Sustainable Living in a natural setting and explores ways to tread more lightly on the planet. It gives us an opportunity to observe nature, introspect and reflect upon our role in this natural world. It allows us to pause and see that our currentlifestyles are very energy intensive and are a drain on the natural resources. While one can enjoy the farm stay in the idyllic countryside away from the hustle and bustle of the city life and come to appreciatenature, it provides food for thought about sustainability and a transition planto life beyond cheap fossil fuels. We are constantly looking for and tryingalternate ways to conserve and protect soil, water and air. We hope that this model will inspire and motivate people to channel some of their actions towards, what we call, Individual Social Responsibility.

We provide an opportunity for small groups of people to enjoy camping in the lap of nature surrounded by a variety of trees and in the outdoors. One can sit around a campfire and have the complete camping experience and reconnect with nature and come to enjoy the simple things in life. Sleep under the open skies in the tents, listening to a variety of birds and the night sounds and feel humbled. Sharing the outdoors with creepy crawlies and wild animals add an element of danger, however very remote. 

Our tents have detachable rain flies and the windows have flaps. Through the open flaps, see the night sky, and get a senseof sleeping under the stars but in the shelter of the tents that keeps the bugs and other crawling creatures away from you

Jindam Agro Farms was founded by Mr. Jindam Kumara Swamy. The farm is located 60 km from Hyderbad on the Bhuvanagiri Rajapet Road  Near Ibrahimpur Turkapally Mandal Bhongiri . It spreads over 5.5 acres  Mr. JK Swamy looks into the operations of the farm. considers the farm as an alternative lifestyle to see if he can stay away from the hustle and bustle of life in the city.

The farm consists of 2 acres of Paddy and planning for 3 acres of Mango Plantation. It has solar electricity for the farmhouse, biogas for cooking and vermin compost for manure for fodder and vegetables. Cows’ milk is used for personal consumption only. The farm also has a free range of country chicken turkey. The farm has coconut grove all around. “Planning to grow sweet corn and baby corn as intercrop so it serves both purposes. I have just planted Papaya trees and hope to see some revenue from it,” shares Mr.Swamy. Paddy is the only commercial crop currently.

All crops in the farm are grown without any use of chemical fertilizers or insecticides. Only vermin compost, biogas manure and pit manure are used. Mr.Swamy plans to start making other organic tinctures fermenting cows urine with gram and jaggery Known as “Jeevaamruth”. “Personally I think organic is over-rated and coffee table talks for the rich and west who can afford it. I think our farmers naturally live an organic life without much ado” Mr JK Swamy adds. 

Jindam Agro farm is still in its initial stages and Mr JK Swamy has not taken up it as a full-time commercial activity as he is yet to wind up his commitments in Hyderabad. In future, Mr Swamy hopes to make this experiment in sustainable farming success and be of some help to his village and villagers. He also wishes to try developing a Medical Plant Farm and eventually try and make Natural Medicines out of it. 

Mr. JK Swamy is a Retired Manager in Central Govt, He holds various years of experience in General Insurance, handling large Corporate Clients.He later Joined Private Organization to impart his experience. He has very good Knowledge in Vastu shastra and started this farm to take retirement and live a life away from the city.


Jindam Agro Farms



Yadadri Bhongiri District

Mondays : 8am - 1pm
Wednesdays:  8am - 1pm 
Fridays:  8am - 1pm

Delivery Hours

Operating Hours

Mon - Fri: 8am - 8pm

​​Saturday: 9am - 7pm

​Sunday: 9am - 8pm

Tel: +91 7780775086


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